Maintaining the equilibrium scale is important
Really glad to see China performing so well in this Paris Olympic Games
Really doing it proud for the chinese race
However, like I mentioned back in the past, there should be around 4 main pillars of the human race foundation
Besides the Caucasian and Chinese, the other 2 pillars are still not on equalled footing....
....Perhaps whats next is their turn to rise to equal footing then
I've probably chanced upon the proper word or terms, or maybe not
The proper terms of the other 2 pillars
The darker skin tones....Indians, Africans....I havent compiled the information as to whom
the progenitor source actually derives from
Apologize if I'm being lazy here
The other one would be the Arabians, Middle Eastern people
So ideally from a sort of perfect view point
A world event probably consists of them almost equally in numbers and playing it out
But from my humble views thus far, the numbers are not equalled enough
As the world is still plagued with wars and such, I can see why
Their situations and environments are just not conducive enough to have spare time for those kind of nurturing....I mean.....even livelihoods are a problem
People with good or bad intentions are all around
Whether is it with or against you
That is also why humans are given so much time
To be able to get things sorted out, and to get it right
Unfortunately the scale of all is too tiring to balance....just thinking about it for me
I doubt my generation could see it
But looking at things...thus least the 2nd pillar is coming into place
Though it seems like there are forces preventing it, but unlikely this time
(So overall to say....we're half way there?)
Whats important actually is still in the detail of things....
Be it the smallest details such as reactions of a post on social media
Or the direct raw physical impacts on the environments and life
Mind the details
Spread care and love, and not hate or anger to fuel negative emotions
Something that I would like to do nowadays for example,
Would be to overwrite or add more positive reactions to some of the facebook social media posts I'm seeing
Chances are, postive vibes would be brought out first, and more likely than not, more would follow suit
It sort of creates harmony upfront, which is ideally better for progress
Showing a positive vibes from the mass expressions straightup
Sometimes important matter of thoughts came up to me when chancing upon random stuffs
Wished I could immediately wrote and stored all of them down
When unable to, seems kinda they are too hard to recall again sometimes....
Yeap.....thats all for now