Saturday 29 April 2017

Been absent for around 1 whole week.....

Reason is, I've been admitted into the hospital

While working on Monday, I suddenly feel chest pain around 4pm or so

Went to the nearest clinic and found out that I had an air leak in my lung

It's a condition called Pneumothorax, kinda unlucky to get it if you read it up...

The doctor used some sort of syringe to try taking out the air and it's really painful

As it seems to be quite serious, I'm sent to Ng Teng Fong hospital soon after

Over there, I had to be inserted a small pipe to filter out the air inside and again...

it's another painful experience

Feeling hard to believe this is actually happening to me for the first few days in the ward

And my mood is totally not good at all when told I had to stay in day after day

Because I feel I have things I'm obliged to do everyday

and this really messes up my working schedule as well....

I really hate when this kind of unexpected thing happens and just screw up

my timetables and stuffs.....

But I had no choice and could only hope for things to become stable

So I can only after day....

Worst comes to worst I just have to go through a small surgery,

to prevent this from ever happening again

The only thing I dislike is that I think this would take up even more time

Had to transfer to another hospital and stuffs...recovery time...well you know

Fortunately, I've made progress in recovery and the air leak

seems to have patched itself up

Thus, I'm able to be discharged by today....really thankful for it.

Let's just hope it doesn't ever happen again.










Saturday 22 April 2017

千年パズル 首飾り















Monday 17 April 2017

Just yesterday, one of the cats that I've been taking care of is coughing seriously,

while lying down on the ground for me to pet

I felt really worried and sad at that point in time.....

Relieved that it stopped soon after she got up to eat the food

Because I was so worried, I tried to sought help from authorities such as SPCA

Not surprisingly....there really isn't any useful help that I could get

without using up lots of time and money

And so...

I decided to take matters to my own hands instead,

reading up about stuffs and just happens to find the cause of it...

From all the symptoms and stuffs, I deduce its due to lungworms

More likely happens to stray cats living outside as well

Thus, after spending some time finding for a cure for it,

I chance upon the product below which I had bought

Its a type of spot-on application product and the amount isn't a lot

So it actually isn't very hard to apply on

Of course, there seems to be a lot of handling precaution,

I even bought a box of rubber gloves before trying to use it

I just came back after visiting my 2 cats actually

I'm glad everything went smoothly for the application while I fed them

I'll drop by again later at night to make sure nothing goes wrong

Right now I'm only worried if either might have some allergy and stuffs

towards the medication...but I hope there will be none and they will be even better

The place where I bought this medication sure isn't convenient to go to,

had to travel to Marymount and take a bus then walk from there

The medication isn't cheap as well, costs me around $40 for just 3 small tubes

Well...wonder what has gotten into me to go through

such extent in helping the community cats...

But it just seems naturally and right for me to do so...


Went to check earlier, the cats are doing fine!

Feel so relieved and glad.... (/ ω\)

Sunday 16 April 2017

Could say that I've concluded my FYP's songs today


I wouldn't say it was really tough going through this whole FYP

In fact I think I could actually put in much more effort

But still, maybe lady luck is smiling on me

I manage to complete through this FYP with relative ease, I would say

Wanna thank everyone that's involve in producing the songs

The songwriter and his friends especially,

which really helps out a lot with their engineering knowledge

Without them, recording sessions wouldn't have been so smooth and efficient

Thanks...all these really seems like a blessing to me

Perhaps for my perseverance of hanging on through this whole course

What's left now would be submission of work, graduation day and paying

the remaining school fees

Let's hope things would get even better from now on

Wednesday 12 April 2017







♪ : YU-A - 忘れられない恋

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Why is ONE PIECE the best anime out there?

Because with just its music alone

It has already broken boundaries and crosses era

To me, ONE PIECE is the one true legendary anime

An epic of the epics....the King of Kings

It has shown me so much beautiful things, more than I could simply describe in words

Takes me back to a beautiful time.....

I believe different people would have experienced it differently

For me, I remember seeing it on my TV and enjoying the days so much.....

I'm really grateful for everything.

Worry not

Saying all these...not because its ending or anything

Its far from over

♪ : Ruppina - Faith

Tuesday 4 April 2017

My shining day いつもいつも......

♪ : Shela - Feel














Been busy playing Steam Games nowadays

And yeah, I've even managed to get this ultimate skin in Arkham Knight

This game is worth playing 240% for sure, just nice I would say

On a side note, I've actually uninstall League of Legends few days ago

Not regretting at all

That game really kills mood and all... real toxic

Would only play good quality games from now on~

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Space has always been a fascination for me since when I'm a kid reading about them

in Primary School's textbooks and stuffs

I feel that it's something really amazing, a great feat for human...

To be able to really head out there and do Space Exploration of the unknowns...even till now

Especially after finish playing Alien Isolation...things about Space would still keeps me in awe

Anyway, I'm really glad that I'm able to come to see this exhibition

and also experience the G-Force Ride

Might be the only chance I could get close to something this far-fetched from reality

The tickets are not expensive either


On a side note, saw the Superhero Cafe at the MBS Mall

And it makes me feel stoked about it when I actually saw these familiar figures...!

Been some time since I went there... really like the ambience of the mall too.

Monday 13 March 2017

Just by feeding cats near my neighbourhood area is enough to keep me busy for the day

This cat has become really affectionate towards me

It seems to love laying down on the floor for me to pet

Of course I'm really happy too

Trying my best to keep her body clean with some simple dry cleaning everytime

She seems to shed quite a lot of fur too...

Anyway, I just hopes she would be in good health everytime

Recently there's a lady helping to feed at this cat's area too...glad I guess

And just now I actually found two kinda new cats around my home area

Didn't have any can food with me,

hope next time there would be a chance to give it to them

This one is really cute

Didn't manage to take a shot of it's face but this one looks like a cute young kitten~

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Even though today is a special day

I did nothing special at all

Actually went to make my new IC

Before going to school to try finish mixing my FYP's songs

At least its a productive day I could say...















 to me.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Just few days ago, I actually lost my wallet at my workplace....real unlucky

Searched around the place and, if I'm not wrong,

I left it at the pantry area and forgot to take it after going off to dispose my food

No one came up to return, so I assume its probably been stolen

Put up an incident report there and also a police report, and cancel my debit card

And today, I had to rush to bank today to activate my backup card

while adjusting the time to go for my Ippt

It's a real hassle....

Well good news is, I passed my Ippt with Incentive monetary rewards

Just nice to pay for my new wallet and probably IC replacement fee...

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Bought this really awesome game, Batman : Arkham Knight,

which is on huge discount some days ago

And I have to say it's real good

I would even go as far to say that I feel bad for buying it

at such a low price of less than $10

It's that good

Best of all, it even comes with some extra costumes DLCs

What a deal....

Anyway I'm finishing the game soon, almost getting a 100% completion soon

Really satisfied with the game

And just when I thought things are coming to an end...

This offer shows 82% discount....just wow

Can't resist the offer and I just bought it

Looking forward to playing it~

Thanks so much to Bundle Stars for all these awesome deals

Sunday 12 February 2017

This game actually made me spent around $100 just for this Time Attack event.....

And mainly because of the urge to get this car.....

It's excruciating and grueling.....

Even find, search and chat with people for strategy and guide

And Finally.....

It seems like I get to secure in a Top 500 ranking in 1 of the classes.....!!

My only wish is that it would stay within the bracket all the way till 14th Feb.....

Please. After spending so much...


Update on current physique

Got to eat and train more still actually



