My Ultimate Project that is said earlier on must seems ridiculous to some...
People would say, well everybody would want that too!
But the thing is...I wonder if anyone would have think in details of this thing out of the blue and starts mapping out everything...
That sprout of the idea is the key I guess?...
Its not that presumptuous of me after all I guess...
Anyway, this is not the topic of today.
Seeing how some people comments, I would think how people simply links famous people's works, thing they know, to ones's work piece.
Questioning these, there will be a problem with originality.
Is there something original when we create or do it?
I would say Yes, there would be.
Not every things we do should be classified under other great works' influences.
Sometimes, its just the feel in you, your very own taste that brings it out.
Though some may argue again, these things you like come from things you've seen in the past and absorbed it and forgotten to time...
For example, you have seen a elegant classical cartoon, and you like the beautiful interiors of the castle, music room, which actually grows to your liking as this is your styles as well.
But then, the creator of the cartoon would probably taken the references of other people's work and added it into the show, and we gained that idea and image through that. would really be hard to identify what is truly Original at times like this.
It would be so much easier in the past where many things are not developed and people's idea sprouted doesn't really matters now isn't it?
Maybe this could serve as an debate or argumentative topic.
Anyway, I still remembers....
You spoke about this in your blog post before...
I think we would be able to hit off so well......even now...
If not
Time has already passed for so long, yet I could still remember about your is it carve so deeply into my mind... are leading a good life now I suppose......☁