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Tuesday 5 April 2011

...(cry)...I can't control my tears...I will try not to recall these stuffs again...

Monday 4 April 2011

陳曉東 - 比我幸福 sad...reminds me of the time when I love you...


P.S. : 超爱我的新外套 ^_^

Sunday 3 April 2011

SHOXX Vol. 219 : Versailles

Found out that there are people searching for Versailles's info on SHOXX Vol.219.
Hope posting these photos helped those who wants to see~
Yuya 's Official Site tab is added to my blog! Do visit the site when you are free~

Tsuguki 's Birthday

Happy Birthday Tsuguki! I love Dolly so much, I will always support the band's music!
Though, I hope you can sell your CDs at Singapore too xD
Anyway, hope you enjoy your birthday, cute-babyface & talented Tsuguki !

Friday 1 April 2011

Yuya Matsushita's new single ''Naturally'' is great! I love his new costume, going to buy clothes like those soon( I got my pay ! ), enjoy his new PV for the new single at my blog!
On the other hand, I will miss my sister these upcoming days...quite long...around 5 days?
She has gone to perform during her school holidays, but I'm so proud of her, I think she will make it big in the music scene over there. Thanks for loving me so much sister, I will try my best in doing things too!
妹妹,我爱你~ ^o^
I'm actually quite confused sometimes... I don't know what I should expect from the future.
Honestly, I'm quite worried of my future, I'm worried that it would not turned out to be what I really want and deserves. I don't really know what I want sometimes, things get complicated, and I just wish things could be like how it is now. But actually, thats not what I really wanted either...
I think I lack the strength for me to face the change in life..

Thursday 31 March 2011

Beautiful Scenes

The first photo is so funny, remind me of sister ^_^.

SHOXX Vol. 219

There is also GazettE photos from their Tokyo Dome Final and many more.
I especially loves the Dolly photos and Lin's.
too bad there is no Alice Nine X_X


Sunday 27 March 2011

Yamamoto Takeshi - Ame no Message (Rain's Message)

Recently, I've been listening to many KHR character soundtracks and I really have to say, I love manyof those songs...because each song speaks of different life and lessons...and how life will be gone through...
Anyway, just nice, I'm listenign to Yamamoto's character song, it has nice lyrics as well...hope everyone can enjoy it.

Friday 25 March 2011


那你每次都好像很晚睡,记得早点睡哦。。。(随然我很想跟你说话到很晚 xP)

                                                                                       - Shou Goh                                                                                                                                    

Thursday 24 March 2011


Wow I'm so happy playing Japanese version of Ameba Pico called PIGG.
Also, I've finally created a Japanese blog! ^o^

Tuesday 22 March 2011

I love chandelier a lot...I prefer having a chandelier than a normal house light.
I will install Chandelier like this into my home in the future...its too beautiful...I think I love those Gothic-modern mansion style items and home also.

Mansion's Theatre

Four storey theatre..I love this place so much.

Mansion's School

Needless to say, grand interior with red carpets and high-class decorated chandelier.

My Mansion's Library