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Friday 19 November 2010

Thursday 18 November 2010


Cosplaying reita?
Still a long way to go without eyeliner haha.
Anyway, this is strictly for entertainment purpose for viewers of my blog~

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Wonder why life is so boring...I can only tire myself out to numb myself from feeling boredom.
Will letting go makes me feel lighter?...

Saturday 13 November 2010

Plaza Sing > Somerset > Ion Orchard > Takashimaya > JP

Its quite tiring but its better than staying at home using computer.
Well if only theres more people to go out with, it will be better.
But, I'm worried that some of them will complain for just going around without buying things.
Anyway, I really love the place towards the top of Ion Orchard, its really beautiful with all those lightings. Totally enjoyed the atmosphere.
Well, but me and my friend manage to find our clothes for the prom. For me, I will just grab a vest to go with the clothes I have, better don't waste too much money.
Yet again, I feel so sad that its the last second time we will be seeing each other.

Lin -the end of corruption world- - Metamorphose PV HQ

Friday 12 November 2010

the GazettE 'PLEDGE' new look

Love kai new hairstyle


My 'O' Level exam has many people may look forward to it.
But for me, when it finally happen, I feel like crying...
It is so sad, I have not even talk with you.
Never played wholeheartedly with all my classmates...
and I'm still alone.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Yet again, the music videos you posted, some of these lyrics always hit on my feelings...

Humans are tied down by 2 chains : the chain of time and the chain of natural laws.
However, there is one chain that we wield, and it is the chain of words.

Words are a very powerful tool for us human to wield and it can affects what a person does.
When a person keeps saying to him or herself that he cannot do it, then the power of words will take effect and it will makes sure he can't do it.
In a case example, if one lady drops her contact lens on the road, then she met a kind passer-by who helps her to find it. But, she keeps saying out '' No need for the trouble, you can't find it, it is so hard to find. '' and keeps repeating those words of dis-encouragement, the passer-by will eventually not able to find it because he is affected by the words.
If you still don't believe it, try thinking about what I say when you face some problems and you may then realise how words are powerful.
Instead of saying that you can't do it, try saying to yourself, Everything Will Be Fine.

Friday 5 November 2010

Maid Deka

Recently, I have again hooked on to a Japanese Drama called Maid Deka.
I have noticed that most japanese drama plot from Asahi seems so funny!!
I really like their actors and actresses, from handsome male to funny middle aged male and of course pretty young girls.
In this drama, Aoi is the maid detective who acts as an undercover for the police while serving as a maid under a guy called Kaido Toshiaki.

He is the one who save her from her past life as a boss for a biker gang, and she is very grateful towards him, perhaps more of a love? i'm not sure cause I've only watched episode 2.

The drama theme song is pretty good, which I will put up at my blog Music player later.

Btw, one of the insert song is sing by the main actress, Fukuda Saki, called Asu e no Hikari.

Anyway, when I read one comment of this drama reviewer, I starts to laugh out loud!

The comment said 'Oh yes, Wakatsuki Aoi(Fukuda Saki) 福田沙紀 can even transform to maid costumer at any time. Just like the Kamen Rider.'

LOL, now I think of it, this seems quite true!

ps: sorry for the gaps between some sentence as there is this problem of font change when I copy some words from other webs and paste it on my post

Well Lakepoint Condos are good, with their nature, peaceful environment and big houses!
For big houses, I mean those apartment that are more expensive, those that looks like a house and not a flat, if you know what I mean.
Perhaps I should convince my parents to buy houses there? Haha
Wonder if I am crazy? I seems to like everything that you have.
But truthfully speaking, what you have are what I really like.
Just now when I'm viewing the houses, it was so nice until I suddenly starts to feel small droplets of rain hitting my hands, urghh. Well its ok, I know my future will be there! (`∇´)

Thursday 4 November 2010

France Photo Time

From top to bottom, it is from Paris : Chateau de fontainebleau, Gallery of francois I & Paris the Panthéon.

Nice and grand place.


A super band, consisting of members from bands such as Alice Nine, MUCC, Sadie, Jealkb and Ayabie.
This is their old look from Lastica.
But comparing to their current look from 'Free' I think that this look is better.
Wonder why some people say the current look of Tatsuro is better...he looks like a total distort, haha.
Hiroto is hot though

Towards the end

Exams are all coming to an end...which means I have to go to work soon...urghh so tiring...
I will miss those school days for sure but a new environment will be nice too.
But I am already getting the vision when I grow up and work, and it is a fucking cycle till old.
I hate this, even more without having you with me...but I guess you will never know.

Sadie -toge- PV [PREVIEW]

Seems addictive