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Thursday 10 February 2011

Alice Nine GEMINI Profile Pcitures

Finally found a way to get the JPEG files of Alice Nine New photos!
Obviously, I like Shou's new look the best, even thinkign of getting his hair and color by the end of this month.
But other members such as Nao and Hiroto are good as well!
These photos are a gifts to my loyal blog fans! (you can get the picture by right-clicking and save it immediately)
Working for 2 days and it is not too tough.
I still don't know what is the joy of being alive.
I have never really laugh happily ever since I entered Secondary School...I suppose.

ps: waiting for the GEMINI changed at Alice Nine Official Site, it is so long.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Beautiful night to the past

Went to stroll at my Primary School just now at night...
I really love every moment spent there.
Memories such as how I have my paradise in my mind being build up.
Like how my ideal house is like and fun things I spent with all my primary school friends, both male and female. I am really living how I should be during those days...and I think the time has come again for me to stop restraining myself.
I will walk my own path from now onwards, not to hold back.
I'm really extremely happy and glad to have studied at this school.
Thinking back days in the past to me, is somehow similar to viewing the entire flashbacks of One Piece?
So many adventures and events...hopefully, I will never forget all these beautiful memories...
Lastly, Thank You! West Grove Primary School for carving out a beautiful childhood for me!
I will promise to go back and see you again!~
Indeed, there are many feelings but I think I will just call the feeling ''can't be described'',as it is simply too wonderful.

タウト - One

D=Out's new look for their upcoming single ''One'' is out!
Minase looks like he is suffering from health more!
Anyway, Kouki looks good in the picture.

Never-ending mental torture for me...hope I won't go mental hospital because of thinking too much.
Don't know why, I just can't let go.

Saturday 5 February 2011


ScReW new look is awesome! Kinda resemble their old look for a certain single.
Anyway, all looks good!


Went to Malaysia today with my family. Well because we return only one to two times a year, we need some time to start some talking with other childrens but everything turns out well.
I've spent most of my time sleeping in grandma house because there is really nothing much I can do.
I gamble a bit in blackjack but lost mostly, the dealer is too lucky xD .
Oh, and all those small children in the past has grown so big! Some of the girls are really pretty and cute! Haha, theres a girl who pulled my hair while I'm trying to sleep.(cause they too noisy running around, I can't really pretend not to notice)
She even use the duster to whack me! Haha she is pretty btw.
Initially, we are going to restaurants to eat but all of them are fully booked and waiting to get a seat needs to wait almost for an hour! Thus, we went to KFC instead hahaha.
Before we went back, I managed to saw beautiful fireworks...and I notice that no matter what stuffs I'm doing, I can't help but to hope I can do with you.

ps: I'm lazy to flip some photos

Thursday 3 February 2011

Dolly's New single and Limited edition single 's name is out now!
They are 「ムーンライトディスコ」 and  「流星群-Shooting Star-」 respectively!
Sounds so cool!

Chinese New Year!

Went to Cathy to catch the movie 'Rebound' with my Secondary 4 classmates.
Even though I know that you won't probably come, I still carries the hope that you will...
But, I still enjoy myself with friends...especially Mehn, who always like to use his trademark poke on me haha!
Hope theres a next time!
Oh, I love my nice Skinny jeans!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Today is Chinese New Year eve!
Time for steamboat.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

You Hate Me, But I Will Never Stop Loving you.
                                                                           -Your Broken Juliet

Sunday 30 January 2011

These few days have been raining non-stop...I can't even go out to find job!
Anyway, Tiong Bahru Plaza is out.
I really hate slacking at home!
I want to go out with friends too, but come to think of it, I have none to go out with at night or anytime...wth.

Friday 28 January 2011

Omg, I can't believe I spent the whole day to afternoon playing Jackpot to get this, but I really like it!
Job hunt starts tomorrow or tonight! Or anybody has recommendations?

Thursday 27 January 2011

I will come to this park more often.
I love seeing the beautiful sky with some clouds and colourful kites with lights...I wish I am able to share this beautiful moment with you are you? Haven't heard any news of you through your blog for quite long.
Well, I guess I need to find a new job.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

I know how to make French Toast!
Also, G.NA is Virgo (and virgin xD)! I am Pieces, that means we two are very wonder I love her in the Black And White music video!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Lin Official Band Photo for their 3rd and 4th maxi single.
Everyone looks great and Kisaki (the 2nd from the left) seems to become slimmer).
Oh and one thing, the 4th guy from the left looks like Kai from the GazettE to me.


I really love her song Black And White, it cheers me up when I listen to it~
Well, I really want to thank you for letting me to get to know her through your music world.
Check out her official site @

I love strolling outside at night while listening to nice japanese music~

Monday 24 January 2011

I will not make any more complain about being on my own.

Sunday 23 January 2011

My room is changing some furnitures and I will not be able to use my computer for a few days.(I'm using my Cousin Computer for the past 3 days)
Well, ScReW is having a new single ''Deep Six''. The name is pretty cool, hope it is like Cursed Hurricane that cool >o> .
Also, Lin -the end of corruption world- also has a new look for their upcoming 3rd and 4th maxi single ''Silent To My Pain'' and ''Flowers Boom''.
You can visit the site more more information :

ps: Oh I did a sketch fo Shou from Hana, though in photo it looks not so good, I still like it~

Friday 21 January 2011

Perhaps I should give up on being a model?
The model company actually call me yesterday night and I was really happy.
But when I go home and tell my parents, especially my mother, she keeps telling me all the negative stuffs and it is not just about one issue, but all along in the past till now.
For example, before my 'O' Levels started she keep saying to me : 'you really think you can go poly? what if you can't?'.
Then after I get my 'O' level results which is quite satisfying, 13 points without CCA, she say again : 'you really get 13? Sure anot?'
I really hate this type of people...not helping me in any sense yet she says this is her way of encouragement.
Sigh...all along, I'm always alone...I think it is better this way?
Hope I can really find a good friend who will stay with me throughout my life...

Anyway, PSCompany has a brand new look and I love it!
ViViD is now on the front line with GazettE and Alice Nine and such!
They even has their own fanclub called ViViD Colors!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

When to thw W****** something building around Somerset today for second time of job interview. Hope I will be shortlisted~
The most surprising thing that happen to me today is when I'm walkign towards Somerset 313. There is a  lady wearing black glasses who come up to me while I just finish talking on my phone.
She give me the company namecard and tell me she is from a model company!
She then told me I look quite good, may have the chance to be model!
That a dream come true haha~
Well, she also says that I will win money if I'm being chosen, WeW~
Hope I will be one!

ps: I found out that all singles of PSCompany that are being sold at HMV is only auditory impression, no video, that sucks...but better than no CDs.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

I don't know if can just tell myself  :''Ok, just give her up, don't be stupid and wait''. Because whenever I'm sleep and think into space, I just think how good if you were there and such.
Some people say rewards come to those who wait...hahaha what a joke..
Anyway, I think you would have found that someone you will like?
Nvm, I think I will skip saying stuffs like these.

Anyway, I go IMM and found a job opportunity at the clothes store G2000!
Hope the lady will help me get my job!
I will earn lots of money for keeping ^o^.
Also, I'm addicted to the dance and song of Yuya Matsushita!
My loyal blog reader should know that I have used his song 'Bird' as my blog song before~
Oh, and I got the full song and video for Alice Nine's GEMINI!

Monday 17 January 2011

Need to go find job tomorrow! IMM later on...Orchard and Plaza Singapura? I need to get one a.s.a.p.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Saturday 15 January 2011

Went to hilltop restaurant at birdpark to ask for job. After I climb all the way up, I go in and ask and the lady tell me there is no need for worker.
But since I came up, I go up to see a nice view and take some nice pictures!
I will upload the photos when I'm home.
While I was walking back, I said to myself, 'How I hope that I have a female friend who would stick and go out with me most of the time.'

ps : Change my blog decor again! Are they nice, my blog fans? haha

Friday 14 January 2011

One Piece Merry's Funeral

This anime is really touching.
When I see the part where Luffy's ship is talking to them and everyone heard it, that moment is really very touching.
The ship is already in a wreck yet it still wants to venture with Luffy and gang.
At last, the ship broken down and Luffy decided to burn her rather than let her sink in the dark and lonely undersea.
Thinking back, this ship, Merry, has venture with them for a very long time and gone through lots of adventure and hardship...from flying to the sky to facing huge sea monster and giant waves...many things...
Well words can't describe the feelings you felt by seeing completely...Merry may be destroyed but its spirit will lives on with Luffy and gang!
PsCompany Small Music Player has been added to my blog!
Its Alice Nine!

ViViD 「夢」~ムゲンノカナタ~ [PV]

Thursday 13 January 2011

Ok I hope I will be happy in my course!
Ok no more talks about studies.
I am looking forward to having a nice haircut like Shou!
Can my hair grow longer faster~

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Bought my awesome clothes!
Finally got them when I go with my parent.
Anyway, today is a fun day thanks to Ratchet and Shyang Huei, oh and Kenneth.
I really feel like laughing when I listen to what you all are saying.
Thanks a lot, even though its tired.
Well, I think we should go out more often in the future...hmm I need to talk more and most importantly...find a job!~

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Next Level

I have gotten my result and I'm quite happy about it.
For my L1R4, I have gotten 13 which I expected to be around 17 initially.
For L1R5, I have gotten 16, and after minus 2 bonus points from HMT, I will have 14!
Now theres a headache, I am not so sure what course to take...
On a side note, I forgot to tour around the school!!
BUT so luckilly, we still have a very very last time to go back school to get our testimonials, till then, I will remember to tour my Secondary School one last time.
I will miss the canteen food, especially the uncle from Chinese Cooked Food, who always sell me food at a cheap price, and of course all of my teachers.
I also appreciate Jurong Secondary School for helping me to know so many classmates and friends.
I will miss many things and looking back makes me feel kinda sad.
I will miss night studies at Mcdonald and playing Pool with Jerry and Van.

Alright, time to move on.

Monday 10 January 2011

Result day is today, hope I get a neat result.
I am going to cut my hair when Alice Nine's GEMINI official look is out, because I will take Shou's hairstyle and show it to my hairstylist and tell her to cut the same, hope it works~

Sunday 9 January 2011

I think a fanclub is still too early, it will be on hold for now.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Alice Nine Web Link is added below on my blog!
Currently, updates of japanese music bands lightens my mood by a little...well its better than nothing.