Sunday, 21 April 2024

Three-Body Problem & The Chaos Theory

《三体问题》 以及 《混沌》理论







So firstly this morning I came across this Neil deGrasse Tyson video talking about this topic

Well actually this thing goes way back from now

From what I know, the story is like from a past chinese novel

Which is now being brought up and becoming a hot topic media, via Netflix etc.

Of course, it stretches way back as to whom actually first discovered about this thing

And perhaps from multiple sides of the people on Earth

So the story about the discovery of extraterrestrial planet and life forms aside

What I want to talk about now is the issue of what people think as an 'Unsolvable Problem'

When it comes to this 3-Body or more Bodies outcomes

First of all, why do people think that all results should be predicted and calculated in a manner, and that it is solvable?

So the trajectory of even a slightest change in the beginning to either factors, could result

in many vastly different outcomes, why would it be a surprise?

I think the Chaos Theory is essential to the living so life wouldn't be such a bore

Its sort of like the humans' lifespan

You can't really predict every single day what one will be doing, by using a formula

Less to say the details of each day

Like Neil said, though we can sort of mapped out in progression what is gonna be happening next

for the 3-Body movements, there is no definite formula to calculate this from start till end

You can only track and predict, no fixed definite

Just like human beings, if you were to follow one closely each day, then maybe you can sort of vision whats gonna happen next

But all can be change in a snap of moment, when one decides to go somewhere or do some other things

When different factors start kicking in that affects the decision

But then, using humans as the example, isn't there already an end that could be seen

To me, if the Chaos Theory doesn't exists, hope will be lost

Since everything will already be predictable

What do people actually want to achieve from this understanding

I haven't fully seen any of the 3-Body related show, be it in chinese or english media

But I did have some memories of the digested explanation videos in mind

I think the Sci-Fi show would be nice to watch for fans

You know what...I think Hikki might be interested in this for sure...

Yeah...I can feel it

I kinda embraces Chaos

In games it would be something like Light & Darkness

And on the color palette....probably Black & White

Things that attracts me on a core basis and things that I like

With that...perhaps its already solved?....(laugh)

There is no fixed calculus for Chaos

There is only a beginning and an end

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