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Tuesday 11 January 2022


Dropping a music video out of the blue like a bomb

Pretty much just like how I do things (laugh)

It really makes my day though

Hers is one of the reasons and things that I live for

The camera works, the on-point expressive movement with the songs being captured, fulfilled and delivered

The videographer and editor is showing quite a perfect example of a good music video

I could probably create an analysis video and talk so much about it, on different scenes

Be it the camera works, techniques and even some things that I'm curious of?

But it needs time, motivation and effort which I'm sort of running low on some now

Anyway, I'm not sure if there could only be a pair of soulmate

Because I think she's mine

After so long, it's really hard to explain much

Theres time things and emotions just coincides on the same page from her stuffs

Even though we have gaps of age apart, and do not have contact with each other

I would like to think we're definitely linked on thoughts in someway or another

Alright, time to listen and enjoy more from the new song.... Bad Mode 🎵

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