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Wednesday 23 June 2021

Jack The Ripper /【London Bridge Is Falling Down】Theme Song

This is definitely one of the examples of really cool renditions of old songs / tunes

Recently, I've also got some image of a song that would sound really cool with Rock renditions

But I kinda forgot which song it was right now.....

And really.... kinda realised I've actually had short term memories nowadays

Kinda worrying, probably will look for some supplement soon

Talking about supplements, I'm actually looking into such stuffs nowadays too

There's hair supplement currently, always better to start early rather then late

So yeap

Good thing is, my bodyweight actually has been increasing in a satisfactory way

The more training I do, the more mass I put on, and it then acts as an added weight for me

for my exercises such as push up and pull ups to improve constantly using heavier bodyweight

Currently at 58kg, looking forward to 60kg soon~

Jack the Ripper :

Back to the original topic

Actually I'm not watching this Anime much

Just kinda got recommended to me on video feeds recently and I'm attracted to the artstyle

It's really well done

Coupled the cool visual with cool soundtracks, its definitely passable to me

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