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Saturday 10 April 2021

Genki Rockets 元気ロケッツ - Crystalfall (S.S 3D Mix)

Another project of mixing and new style of video creation for this

Just heard it hours ago and the feeling is here

It's such an awesome rare track

So, this time round I'm using one of my favourite way of  ''customizing'' song

It involves panning the left & right channel while play-recording the song to create this 360 surround effect

In the past when working in the studio, I really enjoyed doing panning for different songs

And I actually think some songs sounds way more exciting with this panning effect

Of course taking into considerations with the studio and sound equipments

One could have different sound experience, but overall this is one subtle art I'm interested in doing

The pity is that I do not have a physical panning device to do better panning like those in studio

I could only use mouse to pan left & right one by one while play-recording

Oh well, at least I'm liking the effect thats still obvious in the bounced track :)

After that would be the video creating part where I've settled down with a simple

but cool interactive video effect for creating music video

Hope everyone and fans would find it cool and like it~

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