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Saturday 20 February 2021

Mime - Upside Down (self prod_short mv)

Alright, here's some of the footage I've gathered and turned into a short music video

Suitable for this song's vibe I feel?

Some thoughts about filming around would be the uncomfortable feeling of sensing people

around while trying to record some footage

It's like sensing people's judgement or even thoughts going through their mind

is something I don't want to feel

So in cases like these, I would really think having no people or turning invisible

would be great

But thankfully, I don't look too shady or something....(laugh)

So, it wouldn't be that bad....imagine if I'm not that good looking....(cough cough)

Oh well, overall I'm kinda happy with this short video

Especially using footage taken with the new video cam ✨

I hope anyone watching will like it too

Thanks Rachel for introducing me to her songs, ended up liking them

And thus, giving me ideas to create this

Looking forward to seeing your instagram live soon~


Actually right now I realised....maybe I should have flip the video over to fit the song more

Arrghhh missed opportunity....

Oh well....I'm too focused on using the new camera yesterday

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