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Friday 7 July 2017

Saw a lot of cats around the Teban Garden neighbourhood yesterday while working...

There's so many cute cats....especially 1 that would recognize our clothing and follow

us around while we were patrolling

I hope there's actually someone feeding and taking care of those cats....

I feel kinda sad that I don't have any food with me to feed them...

The cat that followed us was a tortoise cat and it's fur was really nice to touch....♡

Went to feed one of my community cats earlier and I remembered to

add water together with the Tuna can food to make sure she could get some water

Because I feel that she is not having enough water in her diet...

I'm glad she didn't cough today

Accompanied her for quite a while under a shelter in the hot weather

While fanning her with paper plate while she enjoyed my company~

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