Saturday 22 August 2015

Went to have a look at Scape today

After settling down and listened to the stage performances

I felt that it's really worthwhile to come down here today

I feel that spending $5 for the ticket is really worth it....haha

I enjoy listening to the people singing anime songs, and most if not all, sounds pretty good

It makes me feel happy just sitting there and listening to them

Because just the sight and feel of how Japanese's culture 

has spread and becoming bigger and bigger over the years here in Singapore

already makes me feel very happy

I really appreciates everyone that puts in the effort and time 

to help keep the Japanese scenes in Singapore moving

Even though I never cosplay or perform, but I will definitely give my support

Actually while listening to the performances,

I'm thinking of performing too....singing Japanese songs...

I felt that it would be really awesome if I could do it

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