Saturday 11 July 2015

Went to have my haircut today

I'm really satisfied.

Matsunaga-san really helps make the back of hair becomes so much better

And the whole outlook as well

Even though my hair is already short, he still could refine it to the optimal state for me

He said that he will probably see me around December, which will be like 5 more months?...

An estimated time for my current hair to grow into the shape close to the hairstyle that I wanted

Seldom will hairstylists do things like this isn't it?

Most will probably want you to come back as soon as possible

He asked me what type of hairstyle do I want to get

And I showed him some of these photos....

Show Ohara's hairstyle as always! (≖‿‿≖)b

This becomes our target now...he says....Haha

I definitely believe that we will reach this target....(*◡*)/

Anyway, we talked about a lot of things

He even said that he might call me to come and help him as his assistant!

Sounds really good?....haha

Because I've expresses interest in becoming a hairstylist, and he thinks that I can make it

He say that I should go Japan, and learn there and take the test

I mention about problems like housing over there and such and he understands

Well....if there's a chance....I think I will give it a try

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