Monday 8 June 2015


Never really thought I would be able to give this out....thought maybe it will stay in my closet forever
But I'm glad I managed to give to her....although not personally..... (´・ω・`)

I don't know that it was actually her birthday, but you know...lot's of people are helping me and I managed to receive a ride home to get it!.... ((>д<))

It will definitely be a memorable experience for me regardless of anything...
Thanks so much.

Just wanted to give her something...well...since I prepared this quite long ago.
Yeah....anyway I hope she likes it?
Happy Birthday.

The next morning shift will be my last shift already.....

I'm actually thinking about lots of stuff every time....
Lots of stuff going on in my getting a's not that simple.
I will think a lot, like about the future and situations...and I can't really tell myself to go and love someone when I'm still haven't secure a job and have a stable future or something....
And emotionally, of course there are something else that bothers me as well.....
It's hard.....
But when everything comes down, I want to have someone by my side....
I think that is the most important thing.

Days on my own always seemed so dark and gloomy....
Going to work probably seems better with people around....
Even though when majority of the people can't wait to not work....
But for me it's kinda's better to have something to do.

I guess that's how bad it tells of my situation huh?....
It's like living in this world alone....

Looking at myself in the mirror seems to always give me hope....
And I'm grateful for that~(laugh)

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