Wednesday 6 May 2015


Made a call to Avex Singapore earlier.

I manage to speak to the GM, which is a Japanese but he can speak English as well.

It's really nervous....I doesn't seem to be able to speak well.

I've even prepared Japanese words which I feel I might need to use during the talk.

But in the end, I didn't manage to use any of them at all.....(bitter laugh)

Perhaps it would be better if I converse with him in Japanese?

I didn't think I have present myself well enough...

Even though the answers couldn't be like what I really hope for,

I'm satisfied with it, after thinking about what he said.

I were told to call him back anytime, whenever I'm ready, to have something to show and when I'm ready.

And I'm glad he said he's not excluding the possibilities of my proposal.

If only I have presented myself well enough, speak better, maybe a meet up would be possible?...

If only assessment could be make this way...

Initially, I wanted to make a call next week, after the Japan's Golden Week.

Feeling that maybe the important people might not be around.

But nonetheless, I decided to make a call because I feel that the longer I drag,

the courage and will to call would dwindle more and more,

and in the end I might not have done it.

But I'm glad I did.

Because I've done something I wouldn't be regretting about not doing.

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