Wednesday 13 May 2015

My 2 years of National Service is coming to an end...

Although I always hear people saying they can't wait to ORD and get out, hate NS and stuffs.
Actually I'm grateful for it.
Because it actually helps me reorganize my life back.
I'm able to met new people, understand new things, and discover new directions.

Compared to the past, where I worked those unstably part-time job, and not having enough money some point in time or another...
Without any friends or any is really tough.
I don't want live that kind of life again...

Although so far there hasn't been any successful results in my applications and stuffs,
I don't think I will give up.
Though finding job in the meantime could be a problem again, the real pressure comes from my mother actually...and I'm worried about that......

Regardless of anything, I will try my best.

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