Friday 15 May 2015


It feels like it's been quite a long time since I'm last so infatuated with an artiste's music and person.
The last one is Utada Hikaru I think?
Well, actually both of us share some similarities with that as well....(laugh)

Her name is Yasuda Rei (安田 レイ) or Rachel Rhodes.
Usually I only like girls that have a bit of 'meat', but seeing her really changes that.
She's really pretty.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is...
If not for her songs, I think my days wouldn't have been so great then...
I wouldn't be feeling any happiness at all probably...
It's because of her music, it totally helps transform my day into a wonderful one and sets my mood onto the positive track, and I really thank her for that.
It is also her who gives me the strength to take the brave step out on my own.

So much thanks for her that I decided to go HMV to buy her album earlier today.
But to my disappointment, it's not on the shelf, and doesn't seem to be available in any of the CD shops here...
Either way, I will keep a lookout for it.

Meanwhile, I will keep supporting all her music for sure!

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