Sunday 3 November 2013

Sundown Festival is around the corner, and this year I'm not really ready for this happy occasion...
I haven't bought the ticket!
Well, I don't really have money left now, especially after preparing the presents.
Guess I will pass this year...haha (~__~)

Anyway, apart from seeing the performers, I'm also looking forward more to meeting friend though~
It's been some time...
Feels good going out with good friends~

Sadly this year I'm in National Service....not really much time to adjust my mood and get ready to enjoy in the weekend...
Every time when I go back to the academy, my spiritual mood will be ruined...if you do understand what I mean...
And when I come back, I will need take time to adjust back and when I do, I need to go back there again...

Thankfully, today I got a good song to make my day!
I really love the tune, it really sets the mood for a good day☼

The song name is 'Circle Game' , hope you enjoy it~

I really miss seeing my friends...
Hope those days could be back...

Watched Bakuman on TV again today and that show is really full of passion.
I really love that show a lot.
If can, I don't mind watching the whole day on TV.
Every episodes...especially until favourite hours... & dream...keeps me so enraptured in them...

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