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Wednesday 9 May 2012

When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the heart that once was... for all the answers are within.

Words I want to convey are always a corner that you didn't notice...
Words that came from my heart, yet I couldn't say to you.

Living without a purpose...
Yea, I know I wanted to go Japan before I die though..hahaha.
But is that the only reason? I doubt that would be suffice.

I don't know...

In the distant past...I once thought that I'm the best.
What I'm doing is definitely going to be smooth and great.
It's kinda feels like I'm going to be the center point of everything.
Even though it seems I don't have a goal at that time...
I am living happily...probably better than now.
Days when I still live in my own world I guess...

I'm not really sure where I'm going now is the right place..but nonetheless I'm going to be pushing forward.
Maybe I can't accomplish anything and I will be living my whole life in vain.
Having nothing in my hands...

 I do have precious memories with me...
To me, they are the most wonderful things that I have.
It shows the traces that I once exists.

I think it's time for me now to sit quietly in a corner ...

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