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Thursday 26 April 2012

Went to school on time today~ hohoho...well not really XD
BUT, I manage to join the class and was marked present ; )
Thankfully I was present for the whole lessons today and I'm so proud of myself hahaha.

Before the lecture starts, I have a lot of spare time, so I decided to rest in an air-conditioned room...the library, so far that I've know, its this ~_~
Its really a great place to relax, I can even borrow DVD and view it there!
I saw Moon Child over there at the borrow section! Wow...
And also I've found out that Wang Li Hom also acts in that movie!
But I never got the time to see that, and from the picture, you can see that I'm seeing A Nation DVD.
Not that great though, not really songs that I like are inside : /

After that, went for the lecture and the lecturer is so funny hahaha!
I like his humor, if only he could be all our subjects teacher, Lol~

Thursday is free! Woah~!!!
Need to to homework though... and the loads actually quite a lot.

I'm also thinking where can I get more money...
Can I save enough...?

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