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Thursday 15 December 2011

I wonder how long will things go.
Feel so disturbed and sad everytime things like this happen.
As if happiness cannot stay long at all.
Is it because you are not by my side?
I don't know.
Our relationship, is nothing close to what I wanted or needed?
Must I say everything out clearly?
Even if I did, I can't even tell you in the face.
Forget it.
My emotion keeps repeating when I sensed something from you.
Its like a vicious cycle and I don't want this to happen!
If only I can just embrace you, but its impossible.
I think your life will still be better without me.

I can only feel happy while watching Bakuman every midnight, staying up til very late.
Anyway, finish writing a new song yesterday night.
I don't know what else can I do other than keep writing and writing songs.
Life seriously sucks for me this whole year.
Soaking myself in self denial and conjured emotions of others.

My mother said, ' Stay up later and later! Wait til you fall sick and lie in the hospital, see what you do at that time!'
Saying what will happen if I got those incurable disease and all worst things...
I will tell you, just tell the doctor to give me an injection and let me die.
I have nothing left to cherish in this world.

Anyway, Bakuman has some nice songs! Heres its ending song~

BAKUROCK ~未来の輪郭線~

I think the song is made by the Bakuman Team!

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