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Friday 16 September 2011

Cannot bear with my hard-to-tidy hair and went to Komachi today.
My hairstyle now is a bit...just a bit...wierd.
Because it somehow resembles a bank cut.
^ ~^
But its ok! Because I believe my hair will look even more better when it starts to get longer.
As usual, I didn't book an appointment today with Matsunaga san, and instead of waiting, I tried out a new hairstylist called Aki Nakamura.
I just love a lady to cut my hair for me more than a guy especially since its a Japanese lady  (●*ω`●)
Love the feeling of her touching me~  (●´ω`●)
Anyway I actually forgot her name so fast after I asked (faint)
Luckily I saw her name at Komachi website.
Oh and also, I found out that, there is no eyebrow trimming service there ^  ~^
Oh well...
This Sunday 's event, wonder if I will really go though...sigh...
once again I saw the bad attitudes of people....but its ok.
Not everyone is as good as me right?? (Of course!)

I don't even want to think about those shit problems I would faced, I just want to 
 Live My Life 

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