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Sunday 22 May 2011


Will I come to the point where I hate everything...just like Sephiroth?
I don't know, there is so many problems about me right now...I'm having a serious headache...
Today, I went to Bird Park Hilltop to take some fresh air and embrace the feeling of the past once again.
Suddenly, I feel like meeting the female manager, Gladys when I work there.
So I sit at the bus stop and wait till the shop closes.
Haha...feels stupid, even though I don't know if she got work today.
Anyway, saw old colleagues but not her.
In my opinion, she will be a very nice girlfriend...look at what I'm talking now!?

I always cannot do the things I want even though I really want it.
Like telling a girl that I like her...even though I really like that girl.
Why is my personalities like this? I don't know...perhaps due to my horoscope? Or the bullying I get in my Secondary School?


But I know...seeing back to the past too often is not too good will not be able to look forward to the future this way...cannot progress...
The future is going to happen but the past won't re-happen again.
But I still turn back and feel the pain uncontrollably.
Perhaps my life is entering the darkest period?...

In the past, I used to lead friends and everybody surrounds't know from when onwards...
I'm alone.
To say that I have friends, actually I have none.
I can't call on any to go out with me to a place such as just to blow winds and such.

I feel lost.
Even as I'm typing now, my mind is blank...just typing what comes to mind now.
School tomorrow...even though my sister keeps giving me encouragement, I don't feel any encouragement at all.
Because no matter what others say, things will still have to be done and faced by me...myself...alone...even though my sister says I'm not...actually I am.

Thats why...I yearn to have a girlfriend I that I could really feel her by my side.
To have a feeling and purpose for me to work hard for...and strong one.

I wonder when that day would come...

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