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Monday 28 February 2011

My mother always find small things and argue with me like I've killed somebody.
This is really Pissing me off!
Fuck! Small things like I wash face at basin and splash a bit of water on the bottom cabinet!
Fuck that she scold until like I've murdered someone.
She argue and then will say she never shouted at first place and whatever fuck.
Then she will scold me like I don't have brain or what? What the fuck has that got to do with that?
This problem has been accumalated for a very long time...I just cannot tolerate her ways of ''teaching things''.
Always think other is wrong if we do not do what she wants us to, some adults are fuck up in their brain.
Honestly, I will move out when I've grow up and you can forget about me caring how are you, don't even need you to tell me.
It is this kind of things that always spoil my mood...FucK..

Sorry for scolding so many bad words, but my mood just sucks and boils thinking about her.

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