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Tuesday 18 January 2011

I don't know if can just tell myself  :''Ok, just give her up, don't be stupid and wait''. Because whenever I'm sleep and think into space, I just think how good if you were there and such.
Some people say rewards come to those who wait...hahaha what a joke..
Anyway, I think you would have found that someone you will like?
Nvm, I think I will skip saying stuffs like these.

Anyway, I go IMM and found a job opportunity at the clothes store G2000!
Hope the lady will help me get my job!
I will earn lots of money for keeping ^o^.
Also, I'm addicted to the dance and song of Yuya Matsushita!
My loyal blog reader should know that I have used his song 'Bird' as my blog song before~
Oh, and I got the full song and video for Alice Nine's GEMINI!

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