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Saturday 6 November 2010

Humans are tied down by 2 chains : the chain of time and the chain of natural laws.
However, there is one chain that we wield, and it is the chain of words.

Words are a very powerful tool for us human to wield and it can affects what a person does.
When a person keeps saying to him or herself that he cannot do it, then the power of words will take effect and it will makes sure he can't do it.
In a case example, if one lady drops her contact lens on the road, then she met a kind passer-by who helps her to find it. But, she keeps saying out '' No need for the trouble, you can't find it, it is so hard to find. '' and keeps repeating those words of dis-encouragement, the passer-by will eventually not able to find it because he is affected by the words.
If you still don't believe it, try thinking about what I say when you face some problems and you may then realise how words are powerful.
Instead of saying that you can't do it, try saying to yourself, Everything Will Be Fine.

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